GigWorx Help Center
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GigWorx Help Center
The gig division of GigWorx
Who should I contact?
What is the probationary period?
Where can I find the employee handbook?
What if I already have an Everee account?
How do I access my W2?
How do pools and escalations work?
How can I view a GigWorker's contact info?
Is there a fee to sign up for GigWorx?
What if I'm too busy to post shifts and need help?
Will GigWorx try to hire my staff?
How can we schedule staff through GigWorx?
Where do I verify time for workers?
Can I send a shift to only select workers?
How often does GigWorx bill? How do I make payments?
Will we get new staff every time?
How can I post a shift from my phone?
How do I Post a Gig?
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Someone told me to leave my shift, what do I do?
Do I need to bring my own supplies to shifts? - what do I need to bring to my first shift
I work for one of your current clients. May I also work for GigWorx?
How quickly may I start working?
Why do we need a background check?
I forgot to clock in/out, what should I do now?
What is a bundled versus unbundled shift?
I have a question about my paycheck, who do I speak with?
Can I work overtime?
How do I clock in and out on the app?
How do I get paid?
When is pay day?
How do I pick up shifts on the app?
Are there any minimum hours to work with GigWorx?
Are GigWorx staff W2 or 1099?
How can I prepare for my first day as a member of GigWorx?
What is the pay period?
My account is still awaiting verification, how do I progress?
How can I download the app?
How can I get started with GigWorx?
What do I do if I get lost?
How does the app work?
What is an interest shift and how do they work?
How Does GigWorx Handle Changes to Accepted Shifts?
Why Does a Company's Pay and Benefits Fluctuate?
Everee FAQs
What Is Avibra, and How Does It Benefit GigWorx gigworkers?
How do I set up a GigWorker profile in the GigWorx 2.0 mobile app?
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