Who should I contact?

For any support needs, call or text 855-GIGWORX (855-444-9679)

If you ever encounter any issues or have questions related to the app, clocking in or out, or need help finding your gig, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team. You can call or text us at (855) 444-9679 during our office hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday. We'll be happy to assist you in any way we can. However, if you're facing an urgent matter, we recommend giving us a call instead of texting.

For client communication, we encourage you to contact your primary contact or any of our support team members at (406) 209-2046. In case of time-sensitive and urgent matters outside office hours, please reach out to us at (855) 444-9673.

If you have questions or need to communicate with our staff, please contact our Staff Lead at (406) 577-8327.

If you have any inquiries regarding invoices, payments, paystubs, or paychecks, we urge you to contact our accounting department at accounting@gigworx.com, and they will be happy to assist you.