How do pools and escalations work?

Create a pool of preferred staff so they have the opportunity to pick up your shifts first.

Looking for added consistency?

A GigWorx Pool is simply a list of preferred staff. Pools can be used at your discretion to give your favorite and most experienced staff members a head start on accepting new opportunities.

  • Less Orientation and Training
  • Improved Continuity of Care
  • Reward and Encourage Staff for Professionalism

Watch the video below to learn how to build a pool of your own. 


  1. To create a pool in the GigWorx app, start by logging into the Admin back page.

  2. Then, navigate to the pools section and click on the "Add New Pool" option located on the far right.

  3. Give the pool a descriptive name, such as "Previous Experience." To add staff members to the pool, search for them in the system by entering their first and last name.

  4. Once you have applied any necessary filters, select the desired workers and add them to the pool. You can also include any additional workers as needed.

  5. After creating and adding the pool, go to the escalations section and activate it by clicking on the "Add Escalation" button located at the top right.

  6. Name the escalation "previous experience" and select "yes" for the option "limit to manual selection only (not dynamic)."

  7. Next, set the response time for the pool - we recommend 30-minutes to one-hour.

  8. Then, add a second pool with "all providers." To ensure the pool never expires, set the maximum response time to one year.

  9. Now, your shifts will initially send to the pool of staff within the specified response time before being escalated to all workers on the app.

    By following these steps, you can effectively manage your staff and ensure the coverage you need.