Use On-Demand Staffing for Busy Summer Season

Okay, Bozeman business owners. As of Saturday, June 20th, the summer season has officially arrived. Are you ready? We’re sure that you’re familiar with Montana’s Phase 2 of the state’s reopening plan issued on June 1. If not, here’s more information on Covid-19 Phase 2 in Montana.

In a nutshell, group sizes can increase to 50 people with social distancing. Bozeman businesses, bars and restaurants can increase capacity to 75 percent. And while the 14-day quarantine for non-work related travelers (issued in March) was planned to continue into Phase 2, the governor changed direction and lifted the quarantine.

Hopefully, easing COVID-19 restrictions in Bozeman and other states will make traveling between states more practical and increase Bozeman’s tourism trade. This is great news for Bozeman business owners who are gearing up for a busy summer season in hopes of recovering from the downward slide they may have experienced from COVID-19.

Many Bozeman business owners feel the lightening of restrictions as promising and exciting for the future of tourism this summer. Coupled with Bozeman’s close proximity to Yellowstone National Park and its popularity among road trippers, a successful summer season is looking good, especially as people across the country are looking for vacations after being cooped up for months.

As a Bozeman business owner, you know that it’s challenging to plan for the summer crowd even in a non-pandemic year. When you add a pandemic situation on top of that, the uncertainty is even greater. To handle fluctuations in the number of customers, wouldn’t it be great if you could just call somebody and additional employees would magically appear when you’re unexpectedly busy? Wouldn’t it be great if you only need to pay for staff when you need them? Well, welcome to the gig economy.

COVID-19 has created a wave of economic uncertainty for businesses all across America, forcing many business owners in Bozeman to question, is now is a good time to hire full-time hires? For many, using a contingent work staff to fill shift vacancies when they’re short staffed, has helped them not just save money, but to never miss sales opportunities because they’re unable to meet customer demand.

It’s never been more important than now to make the most of this busy summer season. With the right employee scheduling strategy during this peak time, you can get the help you need from a pool of trusted on-demand workers for everything from wait staff to carpenters to delivery persons, and more.

Contact GigWorx today! Your job will be posted to our app – an on-demand worker can pick it up in seconds!

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