Meet GigWorx at the Southwest Montana Building Industry Association

SWMBIA Home Expo - this Saturday, March 25 at the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse

Hundreds of Local and National Building Experts in one place hosted by Southwest Montana Building Industry Association (SWMBIA). Discover new, cutting edge services, ideas and devices in the building industry today. Activities for families and children too.  There is no charge for admission, but a suggested $2 donation or canned food item is encouraged. 

We'll be giving away a garden starter kits! To enter, knock down targets with a rubber band sling. Also, in honor of a new year of growth for GigWorx, grab a packet of seeds to start your garden this year and grow with us.

Brick Breeden Fieldhouse -  1 Bobcat Cir, Bozeman, MT 59717
Saturday, March 25th 9:00 am-5:00 PM
Sunday, March 26th 10:00 am- 4:00 pm
We'll see you there!

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