How Does On-Demand Staffing Work?

The Philadelphia 76ers believe in “trusting the process,” but we believe processes are only as good as the people designing them. If you are new to on-demand staffing, you may not have a trusted and proven process in place to find and hire trained staff in short order. Chances are, you don’t know how and where to get started.

At GigWorx, we’ve fine-tuned the on-demand staffing processes in a way that satisfies the needs of both employers and gig workers. When you understand how the process works, finding the right people (even on short notice) is a snap. Let’s take a look at this scenario to learn how on-demand staffing works:



An employee calls in sick - Excuses, we’ve heard them all. Let’s say you work in the hotel industry. It’s Spring break and you’re already crazy busy. Your best and quickest housekeeper calls off, saying that he got stuck in the blood pressure machine in the grocery store and can’t get out (true story according to Reader’s Digest). Besides rolling your eyes and needing to check your own blood pressure now, what can you do? As you’re thinking of a solution, the telephone rings. The chaperon from the busiest tour guide company (which you’ve been actively pursuing for over a year for their business) is on the other end. The hotel they booked for their 50 guests lost their reservations and they want to know if you can handle 50 more guests, short notice. That means you’ll need at least 4 more housekeepers, another reservation clerk, another cook, and probably 3 more waiters or waitresses to handle the influx of customers in your in-house restaurant. Before saying, no, to the new business, you have some options.



Contact an on-demand staffing agency – On-demand staffing agencies specialize in filling positions quickly and without hassle. Many focus on temporary employment for skilled and unskilled trades, along with a focus on other industries where being short-staffed directly impacts customer service quality such as: construction, warehouses, retail stores, automotive, restaurants, fast food, and janitorial labor. Finding an on-demand staffing agency that allows for multiple forms of contact, including email, on-site forms, and phone is important. Time is of the essence, and you want an agency that has a quick turn-around time so that you can get all of the rooms, cleaned, the guests checked-in and the restaurant fully staffed.



List requirements of the job with the on-demand staffing agency - Every job is different with its own demands. At GigWorx, we’re staffing matchmakers, taking the match between employer and gig worker very seriously. That’s why we collect as much pertinent information about your company and the specific job requirements when we take the job order. We ask the right questions. Is there required attire? When’s the shift? Is there a required skill level? Are any licenses required? Make sure the agency you use understands the position up-front so that the best worker for the gig can be selected.



We get the word out ASAP - We know how stressed managers can be when they need workers. As soon as we get the job order, we send out an alert to our already vetted/screened staff. These on-demand workers are ready at a minute’s notice to roll up their sleeves, jump in and join your company’s team!

  • On-demand workers to the rescue. Gig workers have responded to GigWorx’s mobile app to select and check-in for the advertised gigs. Within an hour, you have available housekeepers getting the 25 rooms cleaned and outfitted with new sheets and towels, the cook is talking with the chef to see what needs to be prepped for the expected rush, your most experienced waitress is showing the on-demand workers the ropes while setting tables, and the new reservation clerk is busy answering the phone. Whew!
  • Fill out all that paperwork! Just kidding. Did we mention that GigWorx handles all the paperwork as well as the clock in/ clock out process? We figure you already have enough on your plate.
  • Rate the candidate. The more feedback we get regarding the performance of our on-demand staff, the better we can serve future customers. After you’ve asked two of the on-demand waitresses and one of the housekeepers if they’d like to join your staff (after all, you’ll need more help to handle all that new work from the tour company since they agreed to use your hotel on a regular basis), let us know how we did. After their shifts, simply access the GigWorx app on your mobile device or computer and rate the on-demand workers. Did they do a good job? A great job? Were they able to jump right in? Would you use them again?
  • Wait for the next crisis. The next time you have an emergency, you’ll be prepared. On-demand workers are the perfect alternative to costly full-time employee salaries whenever you find yourself short-staffed during a temporary influx of work!

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