Consider Gig Work During the COVID-19 Pandemic

While many industries are feeling the impact of the coronavirus, COVID-19 is causing a huge upheaval in the hospitality industry. As we find ourselves in a government-issued state of emergency, citizens are asked to limit their likelihood of exposure by avoiding large gatherings, limiting travel, and staying home as much as possible.

Warnings like these—issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)—have triggered many hotels, restaurants, and bars to reduce hours or even temporarily close their doors. For those working in the hospitality industry, that may mean reduced hours, less tips, or even a layoff.

This disruption in your hospitality work schedule means less opportunity to earn a living wage. When the bills still need to be paid, now might be exactly the right time to consider temporary work in non-hospitality areas, with gigs like these:

  • Snow remover – COVID-19 may be changing the way people are living their lives, but Mother Nature goes on, business as usual. Bozeman, Montana averages 63 inches of snow per year. The 2019-2020 winter season has set snow accumulation records based on the high volume of snow combined with unusually low temperatures. What can snow removal offer you? If you want to strengthen your shoulders, arms, back, core and legs, burn between 180 and 266 calories per half hour, and get paid. Consider shoveling snow for your next temporary job.
  • Construction laborer – Hey, if it was a good-enough gig for Harrison Ford, Jesus, and Bernie Sanders, what’ve you got to lose? You’re certainly in good company.
  • Cashiers and grocery stockers – Healthcare workers are not the only workers experiencing a surge in demand. Products are flying off the shelf as panic-shoppers stock up on supplies. As a result, shoppers are finding empty shelves and long lines at stores across the nation, creating many available gigs for cashiers and grocery stockers.
  • Housekeeper - In the Bozeman Daily Chronicle, communicable disease specialist with the Gallatin City-County Health Department, Cindi Spinelli, said, “although the virus is new, it can be killed easily with everyday cleaning supplies that contain bleach or alcohol. She said sheets and towels can be disinfected by simply washing with warm water and drying on high heat.” This is another gig opportunity that could expect an uptick in the number of available gigs.
  • Custodian – With the coronavirus known to survive on surfaces for longer than a week in some cases, businesses are hiring people to scrub down surfaces in public places, according to MarketWatch.


No matter which gig you decide on, remember to stay healthy! Wash your hands with soap frequently and thoroughly, avoid close contact with anybody coughing or sneezing, keep your hands off your face, cough into the crook of your elbow, use a face mask only if infected, and clean your iPhone. Here are more tips on how to stay healthy during the flu season.

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