GigWorx Blog

4 Traits of Good Housekeeping Staff

It doesn’t matter if you’re bringing a hungry customer a burger and a beer, driving a client to the airport, or cleaning a hotel room. We all want to do our very best. If you’re a housekeeper working the gig economy, is your performance stellar enough so that you get those coveted callbacks or do you have room for improvement? Here are 4 traits of a good housekeeper to get you moving in the right direction.

Adapting to the Changing Views of Work

Explore the evolving landscape of work and how individuals are adapting to new perspectives and...

Embracing the Gig Economy: A New Way of Working

Discover the ins and outs of the gig economy and how it is revolutionizing the way we work.

Let GigWorx Help You Manage Your Holiday Staffing

It’s starting to feel a lot like Christmas and Thanksgiving and Hanukah and Kwanza and Black Friday...

Earn Big Money in Big Sky

What's the deal with working in Big Sky?

As the crow flies, it is only 32 miles from Bozeman to Big...

Plan Ahead for Staff Time Off This Summer

Summer draws a lot of tourists to Bozeman and that’s because of Bozeman’s beautiful weather and...

Get the Most Out of Gig Work with These 3 Tips

The beauty of gig work is that as your own boss you set your own schedule, choose where and when...

How Much Should You Pay Gig Workers?

If you’re new to the gig economy in Denver or Bozeman, you might be wondering what the going rate...

Here's To A Happy New Year!

This past year tested everybody in one way or another. Along with the many challenges we faced both...

Take the Gig Plunge And Jump In

Is this your first GigWorx shift? Feeling a little anxious? That’s normal. Lots of people feel that...